链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/168YTNNv8eEsUbZnFEkxX_w 
提取码: wwc9
1. Install Unity Hub (do not launch after installation).
2. Install Unity (do not start after installation).
3. Copy and Replace (select the required version)
3.1. the app.asar file from the crack \ hub \ x folder to the Unity Hub resources folder (when installed on the C: drive - C: \ Program Files \ Unity Hub \ resources \)
3.2. the unity.exe file from the crack \ unity \ x folder to the Unity editor folder (when installed on the C: drive - C: \ Program Files \ Unity \ Editor \)
4. Delete the "C: \ Program Files \ Unity \ Editor \ Data folder \ Resources \ Licensing \ "
5. Copy the license file Unity_lic.ulf from the crack folder to the C: \ ProgramData \ Unity \
5.1 folder. If there is no ProgramData folder on the C: drive, enable the display of hidden files.
5.2 If there is no Unity folder in the C: \ ProgramData folder, create it.
6. Launch Unity Hub. 
7. In the window that appears, click 'Locate a Version' and specify the path to the unity.exe file. 8. Create a new project for testing. 9. Install the support modules and add-ons you need.


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