
报错: java: You aren’t using a compiler supported by… 继续阅读 java: You aren’t using a compiler supported by lombok, so lombok will not work and has been disabled. Your processor is: com.sun.proxy.$Proxy26 Lombok supports: sun/apple javac 1.6, ECJ

报错信息: java: JPS incremental annotation processing … 继续阅读 java: JPS incremental annotation processing is disabled. Compilation results on partial recompilation may be inaccurate. Use build process “jps.track.ap.dependencies” VM flag to enable/disable incremental annotation processing environment.

idea拉取git报错,检查用户配置文件C:\Users\me\.gitconfig 去掉代理: [… 继续阅读 unable to access ‘http://xxx.com/sre.git/’: Failed to connect to port 1080: Connection refused