
root@swarm-rpc-54684bd795-4lr8r:/nethermind# /nethermind/Nethermind.Runner --help
2021-07-30 04-48-04.0065|Nethermind starting initialization.
2021-07-30 04-48-04.2619|Loading embedded plugins
2021-07-30 04-48-04.2622|  Found plugin type Nethermind.Consensus.Clique.CliquePlugin
2021-07-30 04-48-04.2623|  Found plugin type Nethermind.Consensus.Ethash.EthashPlugin
2021-07-30 04-48-04.2624|  Found plugin type Nethermind.Consensus.Ethash.NethDevPlugin
Resolved executing directory as /nethermind.
2021-07-30 04-48-04.4652|Loading 2 assemblies from /nethermind/plugins
2021-07-30 04-48-04.4655|Loading assembly Nethermind.HealthChecks
2021-07-30 04-48-04.5574|  Found plugin type Nethermind.HealthChecks
2021-07-30 04-48-04.5575|Loading assembly Nethermind.Merge.Plugin
2021-07-30 04-48-04.5626|  Found plugin type Nethermind.Merge.Plugin

Usage: Nethermind.Runner [options]

  -?|-h|--help                                                 Show help information
  -v|--version                                                 Show version information
  -dd|--datadir <dataDir>                                      data directory
  -c|--config <configFile>                                     config file path
  -d|--baseDbPath <baseDbPath>                                 base db path
  -l|--log <logLevel>                                          log level
  -cd|--configsDirectory <configsDirectory>                    configs directory
  -lcs|--loggerConfigSource <loggerConfigSource>               path to the NLog config file
  -pd|--pluginsDirectory <pluginsDirectory>                    plugins directory
  --Aura.AllowAuRaPrivateChains                                If 'true' then you can run Nethermind only private chains. Do not use with existing Parity AuRa chains. (DEFAULT: false)
  --Aura.ForceSealing                                          If 'true' then Nethermind if mining will seal empty blocks. (DEFAULT: false)
  --Aura.Minimum2MlnGasPerBlockWhenUsingBlockGasLimitContract  If 'true' then when using BlockGasLimitContractTransitions if the contract returns less than 2mln gas, then 2 mln gas is used. (DEFAULT: false)
  --Aura.TxPriorityConfigFilePath                              If set then transaction priority rules are used when selecting transactions from transaction pool. This has higher priority then on chain contract rules. See more at contract details https://github.com/poanetwork/posdao-contracts/blob/master/contracts/TxPriority.sol (DEFAULT: null)
  --Aura.TxPriorityContractAddress                             If set then transaction priority contract is used when selecting transactions from transaction pool. See more at https://github.com/poanetwork/posdao-contracts/blob/master/contracts/TxPriority.sol (DEFAULT: null)
  --Bloom.Index                                                Defines whether the Bloom index is used. Bloom index speeds up rpc log searches. (DEFAULT: true)
  --Bloom.IndexLevelBucketSizes                                Defines multipliers for index levels. Can be tweaked per chain to boost performance. (DEFAULT: [4, 8, 8])
  --Bloom.Migration                                            Defines if migration of previously downloaded blocks to Bloom index will be done. (DEFAULT: false)
  --Bloom.MigrationStatistics                                  Defines if migration statistics are to be calculated and output. (DEFAULT: false)
  --EthStats.Contact                                           Node owner contact details displayed on the ethstats page. (DEFAULT: null)
  --EthStats.Enabled                                           If 'true' then EthStats publishing gets enabled. (DEFAULT: false)
  --EthStats.Name                                              Node name displayed on the given ethstats server. (DEFAULT: null)
  --EthStats.Secret                                            Password for publishing to a given ethstats server. (DEFAULT: null)
  --EthStats.Server                                            EthStats server wss://hostname:port/api/ (DEFAULT: null)
  --HealthChecks.Enabled                                       If 'true' then Health Check endpoints is enabled at /health (DEFAULT: false)
  --HealthChecks.MaxIntervalWithoutProcessedBlock              Max interval in seconds in which we assume that node processing blocks in a healthy way (DEFAULT: null)
  --HealthChecks.MaxIntervalWithoutProducedBlock               Max interval in seconds in which we assume that node producing blocks in a healthy way (DEFAULT: null)
  --HealthChecks.PollingInterval                               Configures the UI to poll for healthchecks updates (in seconds) (DEFAULT: 5)
  --HealthChecks.Slug                                          The URL slug on which Healthchecks service will be exposed (DEFAULT: /health)
  --HealthChecks.UIEnabled                                     If 'true' then HealthChecks UI will be avaiable at /healthchecks-ui (DEFAULT: false)
  --HealthChecks.WebhooksEnabled                               If 'true' then Webhooks can be configured (DEFAULT: false)
  --HealthChecks.WebhooksPayload                               Payload is the json payload that will be send on Failure and must be escaped. (DEFAULT: {"attachments":[{"color":"#FFCC00","pretext":"Health Check Status :warning:","fields":[{"title":"Details","value":"More details available at `/healthchecks-ui`","short":false},{"title":"Description","value":"`[[DESCRIPTIONS]]`","short":false}]}]})
  --HealthChecks.WebhooksRestorePayload                        RestorePayload is the json payload that will be send on Recovery and must be escaped. (DEFAULT: {"attachments":[{"color":"#36a64f","pretext":"Health Check Status :+1:","fields":[{"title":"Details","value":"`More details available at /healthchecks-ui`","short":false},{"title":"description","value":"The HealthCheck `[[LIVENESS]]` is recovered. All is up and running","short":false}]}]})
  --HealthChecks.WebhooksUri                                   The Webhooks endpoint e.g. Slack WebHooks (DEFAULT: null)
  --Hive.BlocksDir                                             Path to a directory with additional blocks. (DEFAULT: "/blocks")
  --Hive.ChainFile                                             Path to a file with a test chain definition. (DEFAULT: "/chain.rlp")
  --Hive.Enabled                                               Enabling hive for debugging purpose (DEFAULT: false)
  --Hive.KeysDir                                               Path to a test key store directory. (DEFAULT: "/keys")
  --Init.BaseDbPath                                            Base directoy path for all the nethermind databases. (DEFAULT: "db")
  --Init.ChainSpecPath                                         Path to the chain definition file (Parity chainspec or Geth genesis file). (DEFAULT: chainspec/foundation.json)
  --Init.DiagnosticMode                                        Diagnostics modes (DEFAULT: None)
  --Init.DiscoveryEnabled                                      If 'false' then the node does not try to find nodes beyond the bootnodes configured. (DEFAULT: true)
  --Init.EnableUnsecuredDevWallet                              If 'true' then it enables the wallet / key store in the application. (DEFAULT: false)
  --Init.GenesisHash                                           Hash of the genesis block - if the default null value is left then the genesis block validity will not be checked which is useful for ad hoc test/private networks. (DEFAULT: null)
  --Init.HiveChainSpecPath                                     Path to the chain definition file created by Hive for test purpouse (DEFAULT: chainspec/test.json)
  --Init.IsMining                                              If 'true' then the node will try to seal/mine new blocks (DEFAULT: false)
  --Init.KeepDevWalletInMemory                                 If 'true' then any accounts created will be only valid during the session and deleted when application closes. (DEFAULT: false)
  --Init.LogDirectory                                          In case of null, the path is set to [applicationDirectiory]\logs (DEFAULT: logs)
  --Init.LogFileName                                           Name of the log file generated (useful when launching multiple networks with the same log folder). (DEFAULT: "log.txt")
  --Init.MemoryHint                                            A hint for the max memory that will allow us to configure the DB and Netty memory allocations. (DEFAULT: null)
  --Init.PeerManagerEnabled                                    If 'false' then the node does not connect to newly discovered peers.. (DEFAULT: true)
  --Init.ProcessingEnabled                                     If 'false' then the node does not download/process new blocks.. (DEFAULT: true)
  --Init.ReceiptsMigration                                     If set to 'true' then receipts db will be migrated to new schema. (DEFAULT: false)
  --Init.RpcDbUrl                                              Url for remote node that will be used as DB source when 'DiagnosticMode' is set to'RpcDb' (DEFAULT: )
  --Init.StaticNodesPath                                       Path to the file with a list of static nodes. (DEFAULT: "Data/static-nodes.json")
  --Init.StoreReceipts                                         If set to 'false' then transaction receipts will not be stored in the database after a new block is processed. This setting is independent from downloading receipts in fast sync mode. (DEFAULT: true)
  --Init.WebSocketsEnabled                                     Defines whether the WebSockets service is enabled on node startup at the 'HttpPort' - e.g. ws://localhost:8545/ws/json-rpc (DEFAULT: false)
  --JsonRpc.BufferResponses                                    Buffer responses before sending them to client. This allows to set Content-Length in response instead of using Transfer-Encoding: chunked. This may degrade performance on big responses. Max buffered response size is 2GB, chunked responses can be bigger. (DEFAULT: false)
  --JsonRpc.CallsFilterFilePath                                A path to a file that contains a list of new-line separated approved JSON RPC calls (DEFAULT: Data/jsonrpc.filter)
  --JsonRpc.Enabled                                            Defines whether the JSON RPC service is enabled on node startup. Configure host nad port if default values do not work for you. (DEFAULT: false)
  --JsonRpc.EnabledModules                                     Defines which RPC modules should be enabled. Built in modules are: Admin, Baseline, Clique, Consensus, Db, Debug, Deposit, Erc20, Eth, Evm, Health Mev, NdmConsumer, NdmProvider, Net, Nft, Parity, Personal, Proof, Subscribe, Trace, TxPool, Vault, Web3. (DEFAULT: [Eth, Subscribe, Trace, TxPool, Web3, Personal, Proof, Net, Parity, Health])
  --JsonRpc.EthModuleConcurrentInstances                       Number of concurrent instances for non-sharable calls (eth_call, eth_estimateGas, eth_getLogs, eth_newFilter, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter). This will limit load on the node CPU and IO to reasonable levels. If this limit is exceeded on Http calls 503 Service Unavailable will be returned along with Json RPC error. Defaults to number of logical processes. (DEFAULT: )
  --JsonRpc.FindLogBlockDepthLimit                             Defines block depth when finding logs. (DEFAULT: 1000)
  --JsonRpc.GasCap                                             Gas limit for eth_call and eth_estimateGas (DEFAULT: 100000000)
  --JsonRpc.Host                                               Host for JSON RPC calls. Ensure the firewall is configured when enabling JSON RPC. If it does not work with try something like or (DEFAULT: "")
  --JsonRpc.MaxRequestBodySize                                 Max HTTP request body size (DEFAULT: 30000000)
  --JsonRpc.Port                                               Port number for JSON RPC calls. Ensure the firewall is configured when enabling JSON RPC. (DEFAULT: 8545)
  --JsonRpc.ReportIntervalSeconds                              Interval between the JSON RPC stats report log (DEFAULT: 300)
  --JsonRpc.RpcRecorderBaseFilePath                            Base file path for diagnostic JSON RPC recorder. (DEFAULT: "logs/rpc.{counter}.txt")
  --JsonRpc.RpcRecorderState                                   Defines whether the JSON RPC diagnostic recording is enabled on node startup. Do not enable unless you are a DEV diagnosing issues with JSON RPC. Possible values: None/Request/Response/All. (DEFAULT: None)
  --JsonRpc.Timeout                                            JSON RPC' timeout value given in milliseconds. (DEFAULT: 20000)
  --JsonRpc.WebSocketsPort                                     Port number for JSON RPC web sockets calls. By default same port is used as regular JSON RPC. Ensure the firewall is configured when enabling JSON RPC. (DEFAULT: 8545)
  --KeyStore.BlockAuthorAccount                                Account to be used by the block author / coinbase, to be loaded from keystore (DEFAULT: )
  --KeyStore.Cipher                                            See https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Web3-Secret-Storage-Definition (DEFAULT: aes-128-ctr)
  --KeyStore.EnodeAccount                                      Account to be used by the node for network communication (enode), to be loaded from keystore. If neither this nor EnodeKeyFile is specified, the key for network communication will be autogenerated in 'node.key.plain' file. (DEFAULT: )
  --KeyStore.EnodeKeyFile                                      Path to key file to be used by the node for network communication (enode). If neither this nor EnodeAccount is specified, the key for network communication will be autogenerated in 'node.key.plain' file. If the file does not exist it will be generated. (DEFAULT: )
  --KeyStore.IVSize                                            See https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Web3-Secret-Storage-Definition (DEFAULT: 16)
  --KeyStore.Kdf                                               See https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Web3-Secret-Storage-Definition (DEFAULT: scrypt)
  --KeyStore.KdfparamsDklen                                    See https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Web3-Secret-Storage-Definition (DEFAULT: 32)
  --KeyStore.KdfparamsN                                        See https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Web3-Secret-Storage-Definition (DEFAULT: 262144)
  --KeyStore.KdfparamsP                                        See https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Web3-Secret-Storage-Definition (DEFAULT: 1)
  --KeyStore.KdfparamsR                                        See https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Web3-Secret-Storage-Definition (DEFAULT: 8)
  --KeyStore.KdfparamsSaltLen                                  See https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Web3-Secret-Storage-Definition (DEFAULT: 32)
  --KeyStore.KeyStoreDirectory                                 Directory to store keys in. (DEFAULT: keystore)
  --KeyStore.KeyStoreEncoding                                  See https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Web3-Secret-Storage-Definition (DEFAULT: UTF-8)
  --KeyStore.PasswordFiles                                     Password files storing passwords to unlock the accounts from the UnlockAccounts configuration item (DEFAULT: [])
  --KeyStore.Passwords                                         Passwords to use to unlock accounts from the UnlockAccounts configuration item. Only used when no PasswordFiles provided. (DEFAULT: [])
  --KeyStore.SymmetricEncrypterBlockSize                       See https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Web3-Secret-Storage-Definition (DEFAULT: 128)
  --KeyStore.SymmetricEncrypterKeySize                         See https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Web3-Secret-Storage-Definition (DEFAULT: 128)
  --KeyStore.TestNodeKey                                       Plain private key to be used in test scenarios (DEFAULT: )
  --KeyStore.UnlockAccounts                                    Accounts to unlock on startup using provided PasswordFiles and Passwords (DEFAULT: [])
  --Merge.BlockAuthorAccount                                   Account to be used by the block author / coinbase. (DEFAULT: )
  --Merge.Enabled                                              Defines whether the MEV bundles are allowed. (DEFAULT: false)
  --Metrics.Enabled                                            If 'true',the node publishes various metrics to Prometheus Pushgateway at given interval. (DEFAULT: false)
  --Metrics.ExposePort                                         If set, the node exposes Prometheus metrics on the given port. (DEFAULT: null)
  --Metrics.IntervalSeconds                                    Defines how often metrics are pushed to Prometheus (DEFAULT: 5)
  --Metrics.NodeName                                           Name displayed in the Grafana dashboard (DEFAULT: "Nethermind")
  --Metrics.PushGatewayUrl                                     Prometheus Pushgateway URL. (DEFAULT: "http://localhost:9091/metrics")
  --Mining.Enabled                                             Defines whether the blocks should be produced. (DEFAULT: false)
  --Mining.MinGasPrice                                         Minimum gas price for transactions accepted by the block producer. (DEFAULT: 1000000000)
  --Mining.RandomizedBlocks                                    Only used in NethDev. Setting this to true will change the difficulty of the block randomly within the constraints. (DEFAULT: false)
  --Mining.TargetBlockGasLimit                                 Block gas limit that the block producer should try to reach in the fastest possible way based on protocol rules. NULL value means that the miner should follow other miners. (DEFAULT: null)
  --Network.ActivePeersMaxCount                                [OBSOLETE](Use MaxActivePeers instead) Max number of connected peers. (DEFAULT: 50)
  --Network.DiagTracerEnabled                                  Enabled very verbose diag network tracing files for DEV purposes (Nethermind specific) (DEFAULT: false)
  --Network.DiscoveryPort                                      UDP port number for incoming discovery connections. Keep same as TCP/IP port because using different values has never been tested. (DEFAULT: 30303)
  --Network.ExternalIp                                         Use only if your node cannot resolve external IP automatically. (DEFAULT: null)
  --Network.LocalIp                                            Use only if your node cannot resolve local IP automatically. (DEFAULT: null)
  --Network.MaxActivePeers                                     Same as ActivePeersMaxCount. (DEFAULT: 50)
  --Network.NettyArenaOrder                                    [TECHNICAL] Defines the size of a buffer allocated to each peer - default is 8192 << 11 so 16MB where order is 11. (DEFAULT: 11)
  --Network.OnlyStaticPeers                                    If set to 'true' then no connections will be made to non-static peers. (DEFAULT: false)
  --Network.P2PPort                                            TPC/IP port number for incoming P2P connections. (DEFAULT: 30303)
  --Network.StaticPeers                                        List of nodes for which we will keep the connection on. Static nodes are not counted to the max number of nodes limit. (DEFAULT: null)
  --Pruning.CacheMb                                            Pruning cache size in MB (amount if historical nodes data to store in cache - the bigger the cache the bigger the disk space savings). (DEFAULT: 512)
  --Pruning.Enabled                                            Enables pruning. (DEFAULT: false)
  --Pruning.PersistenceInterval                                Defines how often blocks will be persisted even if not required by cache memory usage (the bigger the value the bigger the disk space savings) (DEFAULT: 8192)
  --Seq.ApiKey                                                 API key used for log events ingestion to Seq instance (DEFAULT: )
  --Seq.MinLevel                                               Minimal level of log events which will be sent to Seq instance. (DEFAULT: Off)
  --Seq.ServerUrl                                              Seq instance URL. (DEFAULT: "http://localhost:5341)
  --Sync.AncientBodiesBarrier                                  [EXPERIMENTAL] Defines the earliest body downloaded in fast sync when DownloadBodiesInFastSync is enabled. Actual values used will be Math.Max(1, Math.Min(PivotNumber, AncientBodiesBarrier)) (DEFAULT: 0)
  --Sync.AncientReceiptsBarrier                                [EXPERIMENTAL] Defines the earliest receipts downloaded in fast sync when DownloadReceiptsInFastSync is enabled. Actual value used will be Math.Max(1, Math.Min(PivotNumber, Math.Max(AncientBodiesBarrier, AncientReceiptsBarrier))) (DEFAULT: 0)
  --Sync.BeamSync                                              Enables beam sync that can be useful to create some JSON RPC queries while the node is fast syncing in the background. (DEFAULT: false)
  --Sync.BeamSyncContextTimeout                                Number of seconds before a single beam sync request expires and throw an exception. If you want your JSON RPC requests to keep trying then set this value to a higher number. (DEFAULT: 4)
  --Sync.BeamSyncFixMode                                       Should use beam sync to fix corrupted state DB (dev use). (DEFAULT: false)
  --Sync.BeamSyncPreProcessorTimeout                           Number of seconds to pass without progress before beam sync stops trying to process a single block. (DEFAULT: 15)
  --Sync.BeamSyncVerifiedMode                                  When beam syncing should verify each state item loaded from DB (dev use). (DEFAULT: false)
  --Sync.DownloadBodiesInFastSync                              If set to 'true' then the block bodies will be downloaded in the Fast Sync mode. (DEFAULT: true)
  --Sync.DownloadHeadersInFastSync                             If set to 'false' then beam sync will only download recent blocks. (DEFAULT: true)
  --Sync.DownloadReceiptsInFastSync                            If set to 'true' then the receipts will be downloaded in the Fast Sync mode. This will slow down the process by a few hours but will allow you to interact with dApps that execute extensive historical logs searches (like Maker CDPs). (DEFAULT: true)
  --Sync.FastBlocks                                            If set to 'true' then in the Fast Sync mode blocks will be first downloaded from the provided PivotNumber downwards. This allows for parallelization of requests with many sync peers and with no need to worry about syncing a valid branch (syncing downwards to 0). You need to enter the pivot block number, hash and total difficulty from a trusted source (you can use etherscan and confirm with other sources if you wan to change it). (DEFAULT: false)
  --Sync.FastSync                                              If set to 'true' then the Fast Sync (eth/63) synchronization algorithm will be used. (DEFAULT: false)
  --Sync.FastSyncCatchUpHeightDelta                            Relevant only if 'FastSync' is 'true'. If set to a value, then it will set a minimum height threshold limit up to which FullSync, if already on, will stay on when chain will be behind network. If this limit will be exceeded, it will switch back to FastSync. In normal usage we do not recommend setting this to less than 32 as this can cause issues with chain reorgs. Please note that last 2 blocks will always be processed in FullSync, so setting it to less than 2 will have no effect. (DEFAULT: 8192)
  --Sync.FixReceipts                                           [ONLY FOR MISSING RECEIPTS ISSUE] Turns on receipts validation that checks for ones that might be missing due to previous bug. It downloads them from network if needed.If used please check that PivotNumber is same as original used when syncing the node as its used as a cut-off point. (DEFAULT: false)
  --Sync.NetworkingEnabled                                     If 'false' then the node does not connect to peers. (DEFAULT: true)
  --Sync.PivotHash                                             Hash of the pivot block for the Fast Blocks sync. (DEFAULT: null)
  --Sync.PivotNumber                                           Number of the pivot block for the Fast Blocks sync. (DEFAULT: null)
  --Sync.PivotTotalDifficulty                                  Total Difficulty of the pivot block for the Fast Blocks sync (not - this is total difficulty and not difficulty). (DEFAULT: null)
  --Sync.SynchronizationEnabled                                If 'false' then the node does not download/process new blocks. (DEFAULT: true)
  --Sync.UseGethLimitsInFastBlocks                             If set to 'true' then in the Fast Blocks mode Nethermind generates smaller requests to avoid Geth from disconnecting. On the Geth heavy networks (mainnet) it is desired while on Parity or Nethermind heavy networks (Goerli, AuRa) it slows down the sync by a factor of ~4 (DEFAULT: true)
  --Sync.WitnessProtocolEnabled                                Enables witness protocol. (DEFAULT: false)
  --TxPool.FutureNonceRetention                                Defines how much into the future transactions are kept. (DEFAULT: 256)
  --TxPool.GasLimit                                            Max transaction gas allowed. (DEFAULT: null)
  --TxPool.HashCacheSize                                       Max number of cached hashes of already known transactions.It is set automatically by the memory hint. (DEFAULT: 524288)
  --TxPool.PeerNotificationThreshold                           Defines percentage of peers receiving the tx gossips. (DEFAULT: 5)
  --TxPool.Size                                                Max number of transactions held in mempool (more transactions in mempool mean more memory used (DEFAULT: 2048)
  --Wallet.DevAccounts                                         Number of auto-generted dev accounts to work with. Dev accounts will have private keys from 00...01 to 00..n (DEFAULT: 10)


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